We help defend the rights of people with developmental disabilities

You can help support our work

What We Do

We advocate for policies which support choice and access for all New Yorkers with developmental disabilities. We create how-to guides that help families exercise those rights, in the face of a system which too often treats people with indifference, and views choice with hostility.

The Coalition is an initiative of Families for Disability Rights.

With your generous donation, we will be able to help more people and their families get access to the services they choose.

Donation Options

  • Use the app to send us a donation at coalition4sds@gmail.com

  • Made payable to "Families for Disability Rights" and sent to:
    1 Bridge Street, Suite 83 Irvington, NY 10533

  • Families for Disability Rights is a non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) pending. If 501(c)(3) is granted, contributions to Families for Disability Rights will be retroactively tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Our tax identification number is 93-4862917.