Housing Roundtable II Reminder - Friday March 15, 2024 at 9 am on Zoom - Housing Projects - How do we get them started, approved, and moving? With Trish Albanese & Marilyn Jeffrey

Zoom Link for Friday 3/15/24 at 9 am: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83545854967

Trish Albanese and Marilyn Jeffery of Smokey Hollow in Syracuse will talk about their experience of ALMOST getting approvals for their project. They will discuss the ins and outs of Albany. There will be more time for Question & Answer, so please join live it you can.

Other Notes:

  • C4SD Video of “Current Self-Directed Housing Models in NY State” - Housing Roundtable #1 of 4 Friday March 8, 2024 was posted here.

  • We will post a Zoom of Trish and Marilyn’s talk if you can’t attend live.

  • Housing Roundtable III - Legal and Lobbying Strategy with Kim Richman (C4SD Lawyer) and Vincent Rossetti (C4SD Lobbyist) will be scheduled for the first or second Friday of April due to holiday schedules.


Replay Zoom Video - Housing Roundtable II - Housing Projects - How do we get them started, approved, and moving? With Trish Albanese & Marilyn Jeffrey of Smokey Hollow - Syracuse, NY


C4SD Video of “Current Self-Directed Housing Models in NY State” - Housing Roundtable #1 of 4 Friday March 8, 2024 at 9 am