Virtual C4SD TownHall March 5th on ‘Know Your Rights’ - Troubles with approval of Community Classes?

Come to our C4SD TownHall on March 5th to get your questions answered and to get updates from the community. Two times available. Please pre-register for this virtual event. Zoom link will be sent out March 4th.


On February 6th, we published the first version of the “Know Your Rights” document. In the few weeks since then, some families have been able to use this guide to successfully over-turn Community Class rejections. However, many others still have questions about how to move forward. At this highly interactive TownHall, you will:

  1. Hear about successful challenges to Community Class rejection.

  2. Have the opportunity to ask questions and get clarification.

  3. Learn about new tools.

The February 6th version was our first attempt at a guide. As we learn more, we will make improvements— and create additional resources such as examples of emails and arguments that have worked for others. Come join us on Tuesday March 5th, and be part of the process.

Also of interest! - NYC FAIR Budget TownHall on Feb 29th

NYC FAIR is putting on a TownHall about the budget, on Thursday February 29th from 7 PM to 8:30 PM.

If It Isn’t In The Budget, It Won’t Happen. Find out what’s in the Governor’s Budget, what isn’t
and what you can do about it.

Pre-registration required, the zoom link will be sent out after you follow this link to register with NYC FAIR.


Town Hall Logistics - Community Class Know Your Rights - Tuesday March 5th at 12 Noon and 7 PM


C4SD Housing Roundtable - Schedule and Outline for March 2024 - Start Date is 3/8/24