Notes from Vinny in Albany - MISCC meeting on Tuesday, December 12th from 1:00p.m. – 3:00p.m (webcast)

The Most Integrated Setting Coordinating Council (MISCC) meeting on Tuesday, December 12th from 1:00p.m. – 3:00p.m. in Meeting Room 6 located at the Empire State Plaza.

The Coalition for Self Direction Families of New York (C4SD) will have physical representation at this meeting tomorrow. Our Lobbyist Vincent Rossetti is suggesting that we attend online too if you are available. According to Vinny there will be:

  • Heavy focus on Medicaid, and

  • NY State FY24 Budget Initiatives.  

In the registration, if appropriate, please put your group as:

The Coalition for Self Direction Families of New York (C4SD)

Please use the following link to register, if you will be attending virtually: 

 From Kim, “Whether you’re attending in person or virtually, we appreciate your participation. And for information on previous or future MISCC meetings, please visit our website here”: The Most Integrated Setting Coordinating Council (MISCC) (

 Kimberly Hill RIDLEY


Chief Disability Officer

Office of the Chief Disability Officer

New York State Capitol

Albany, New York 12224

Most Integrated Setting Coordinating Council Agenda

December 12, 2023 Meeting Room 6, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 1:00 – 3:00 pm

1:00 pm  

  • Welcome & CDO Update

    • Presenter: Kim Hill, Chief Disability Officer

1:05 pm

  • Introduction of Shelley Madore, Olmstead Director

    • Amir Bassiri, Deputy Commissioner of the Office of Health Insurance Programs and New York State Medicaid Director

  • MISCC Member Introductions

 1:20 pm 

  • Presentation from DOH on Olmstead-Related Initiatives in the SFY24 Budget  

    • Presenter: Amir Bassiri, Deputy Commissioner of the Office of Health Insurance Programs and New York State Medicaid Director

    • Amanda Lothrop, Medicaid Chief Operating Officer

    • Andrew Lebwohl, Senior Advisor to the Medicaid Director

  • Discussion and Questions Related to Forward-Looking Budget Priorities  

1:50 pm

  • Review of Goal Development Process: Agency Submission - Questions to Ask

    • Presenter: Shelley Madore

      1. How does this goal relate to the Olmstead Plan?

      2. What are the barriers to accomplish the goal?

      3. Is the goal timeline reasonable?

      4. Does this goal align with consumer demands?

      5. Does this goal require interagency coordination? If so, how will that be accomplished? 

  • Presentation on Upcoming Olmstead Plan Activities

    • January – February – Virtual Town Hall Engagement Meetings

      1. Collaborations with Advocacy Agencies

      2. Possible Survey?

    • Mid-January – Draft Goals Due from Agencies

    • March – Public Comment and Goal Drafts Report delivered to MISCC

2:25 pm 

  • Public comment and recommendation period 


January 2024 Update - Olmstead Briefing by Roger Bearden


Announcement - The Coalition for Self Direction Families of New York State