Announcement - The Coalition for Self Direction Families of New York State

Agency Programs vs Self Direction

The Coalition is led by the families of New Yorkers with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities who rely on Self-Directed Services. The Coalition welcomes all who value Self-Direction, including individuals and their supporters.

Where we are:

Jim Karpe, Kim Richman, Stacey Cagan, Jackie Ceonzo, and Mike Sweeney at SNACK Fundraiser - New York Athletic Club - November 2023

What we need:

The goal is to build a large state wide Coalition to simply make Self-Direction more manageable and more sustainable. Please start here and tell us “Your SD Priorities” -

We have funded our lobbyist through the end of the year, but we will need to build fundraising. For today, we REALLY REALLY need you to fill this out!!

This is a start... #AeternusUmbra (watch forever)


Notes from Vinny in Albany - MISCC meeting on Tuesday, December 12th from 1:00p.m. – 3:00p.m (webcast)


12/8/23 Structural Meeting in Westchester County